Simpozijum MASE 2021

Simpozijum društva građevinskih konstruktera Severne Makedonije, MASE 2021, biće održan u Ohridu, Hotel Granit, 15-18.09.2021. Prenosimo u celosti objavu koju nam je poslala predsednica MASE i počasni član DGKS, prof. dr Meri Cvetkovska. Dear colleagues, Considering the current situation in North Macedonia and the region related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and hoping that the declining trend in the number of new infected will continue in the upcoming period, the Presidency of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers-MASE decided to start the organization of the 19th Symposium of MASE.

Traditionally, the Symposium will be held in Ohrid, Hotel Granit, in the period 15-18.09.2021. Depending on the actual situation, it will be held as an on-site event, or in combination with E-platform, thus enabling the participants who will not be able to attend the Symposium to have an option to follow the presentations.

Considering that in September 2020, in parallel use with the previous regulation for design of structures, the Eurocodes were involved, and appreciating the need for training of the engineering staff for the practical use of Eurocodes, the Presidency of MASE decided the 19th Symposium to be dedicated to this topic and the motto to be "EUROCODES-Gate to Europe".

It is of a special interest to make a comparison and to point out the differences arising from the application of these two regulations, actual and Eurocodes. Therefore, eminent experts from North Macedonia and the region will give invited lectures on this topic and will bring the Eurocodes closer to our professionals.

In addition to the main topic "EUROCODES-Gate to Europe", the other topics will be:
Theoretical and experimental analysis of structures
Contemporary methods for structural design
Contemporary methods for construction
Structural health monitoring, performance and damage assessment
Maintenance, repair and strengthening of structures
Reliability and durability of structures
Modern materials and technologies for sustainable development
Infrastructure objects
Other topics related to structural engineering

Information on: invited lectures; paper templates; deadlines; the registration fee and accommodation will be published on the MASE website:

Despite all difficulties, I hope we will successfully organize and implement the 19th Symposium of MASE.

Best regards,

Prof. Meri Cvetkovska

President of MASE

2021-05-27 13:15:29


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    Simpozijum društva građevinskih konstruktera Severne Makedonije, MASE 2021, biće održan u Ohridu, Hotel Granit, 15-18.09.2021. Prenosimo u celosti objavu koju nam je poslala predsednica MASE i počasni član DGKS, prof. dr Meri Cvetkovska. Dear colleagues, Considering the current situation in North Macedonia and the region related to the COVID-19 ...

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